Advantage International, LLC Travel Club

Welcome, this is the travel page for members of the Advantage International, LLC Travel Club ( Here you can keep updated on member trips and activities, share experiences and discuss issues. ENJOY

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Monday, January 03, 2005

Travelers Ten Commandments

The Travelers Ten Commandments

(1) Thou shalt relax…relax…relax…and put thy trust fully in God and thy Tour Escorts.

(2) Thou shalt not take anything to seriously for a carefree attitude is the beginning of an enjoyable and relaxing vacation.

(3) Thou shalt not worry…he who worrieth hath no pleasure. (Few things are fatal)

(4) Thou shalt spend thy time and money while on this trip according to thine own decision, regardless of what others may or may not do.

(5) Thou shalt not permit continuous and/or unnecessary chatter of other travelers to spoil thy trip for which thou hast paid lots of money to enjoy.

(6) Thou shalt be thankful for the privilege of traveling with this special group of special people…all of whom have left their personal problems, family problems, health problems, past mistakes, past accomplishments, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, at home.

(7) Thou shalt appreciate thy roommate for his/her considerations and courtesies to you throughout this trip.

(8) Thou shalt appreciate thy roommate for not monopolizing the bathroom.

(9) Thou shalt appreciate thy roommate for seeing thou art on time for group activities.
(10) Thou shalt remember we represent our God, our country, our state, our city, our family, our people and ourselves when traveling…as well as when we are home.