Advantage International, LLC Travel Club

Welcome, this is the travel page for members of the Advantage International, LLC Travel Club ( Here you can keep updated on member trips and activities, share experiences and discuss issues. ENJOY

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Best of Southern Africa

Wow, my Fellow World Travelers...

Just back with 98 of my closest "Family". Yes Family. That is what you are after seeing South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia together. We shared all from Game drives, River cruises, Victoria Falls, and Bungee Jumping.

What a great trip, and it was made even better by the folks we shared it with. We did so much. Thanks to all that helped us donate needed school supplies and a library to the school in Soweto. Special thanks to Cheryl Burton for the needed computer to the school. We all had to shed a tear of pride to see students come out on a Sunday to thank us. Also thanks to all that helped us feed over 200 families at the Informal Settlement. Those bags of food will help many.

We had a great time at the luxury hotels and lodge, relaxing and getting pampered. We all ate too much, but worked it off on Game Drives and the river safari's. Victoria Falls was fantastic and we are all now part of the Zulu Nation.

It will take me a while to fully digest all we did and all the friends (Family)we made. This will be a trip for the memory file. I will now take Bungee Jumping at Victoria Falls off my "to do" list. What a trip...

Just to let you know the photos taken by Bill Williams of The Southern Africa Trip are now available on line. Go to, enter acct #4166688702. Where it asks for an event code enter: Africa 2008 and disregard the password, and hit enter then put in your email address. You can order copies from the site. Enjoy

Special thanks to:
Bill Williams;

Now on to Bali and Singapore. See you on the plane...