Soul Beach Music Fest 2013
Labels: Aruba, Caribbean, Concert, D'Angelo, Festival, Hotels, Music, Ne-Yo. Beach, Sinbad, Soul Beach
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Labels: Aruba, Caribbean, Concert, D'Angelo, Festival, Hotels, Music, Ne-Yo. Beach, Sinbad, Soul Beach
Labels: Burgundy, Champagne, Cognac, fun, Group, Paris, Radio, Trip, WHUR
Labels: Advantage, all-inclusive, aprety, Braoadcast, celebrationj, Dominican Republic, Getaway, Ja'Vonne, Radio, resort, Show, traveling eye, Vacation
Labels: Advantage, Bonnie Deshong, destination, Dominican Republic, Ja'Vonne Harley, news, Punta Cana, Radio, The Traveling Eye, Travel show, Video