Advantage International, LLC Travel Club

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Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Back to South Africa

We have just returned with 140 travelers and media from South Africa. We designed and hosted this trip for the Doug Banks Radio Show with South African Tourism and SAA. It was a great trip and reminded me why South Africa is one of my favorite destinations.

The travelers do it for me. Experiencing South Africa thru the eyes of so many who have never been there, never traveled to Africa and even so many who had never been out of the US is a special way to see any destination you have been to many times before. I love South Africa, and seeing it through our travelers, with all the wonder, the differences, the similarities and the "Wow" does it for me.

We had the opportunity to help them see how we are all the same, how the history of the African-American and the Black South African parallel and even how we differ. We all learned to laugh together, to sometimes cry together, to hug, embrace and love this magnificent country and throughout the trip, love who we are. We are all Africans and South Africa is a great way to "Come home".

South Africa is not the closest destination you may travel to. It is 15+hrs of travel time on the flight, but once you get there, the wonders start. South Africa is nearly 9000 miles away from the US, the third longest flight, mostly over the vast Atlantic Ocean that brought so many from Africa to the US. It is a great distance over deep water, but we are reminded when we visit South Africa, that although the distance is great over a vast Ocean, Blood will always be thicker then water.

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