Advantage International, LLC Travel Club

Welcome, this is the travel page for members of the Advantage International, LLC Travel Club ( Here you can keep updated on member trips and activities, share experiences and discuss issues. ENJOY

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ja'Vonne's Travel Minute - Who's Watching

Have you ever searched online for an airfare, found a really good fare and then when you went back to book it at later time , it was gone?  What about when you revisit a website? Have you noticed that you only have to put in the first part and the computer displays the rest? Well, there’s a reason and an explanation for that.
When you visit a particular site, that site records your computers IP address and your search data is tracked just as your browser history is stored on your computer. That’s right booking sites record your computers web browsing data.
Some sites use this information to track your patterns, cities and dates searched and will raise prices when you’re interested in a particular flight or route.
To combat this, you should clear your web browsing history. Depending on your system it can be called cache or footprints. You’re then more likely to find that lower airfare again, unless of course, it’s just sold out.

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Ja'Vonne's Travel Minute on Women Travelling Safely

There are many women married and single who travel alone.  This number is increasing and what I also find increasing is the image of the single female traveler especially those from America and Europe.
Ultimately, safety is the number one priority for any traveler and more so with a woman.  I’ve broached this subject before but wanted to address it again with some more safety tips.
Common sense never goes out of style and is sometimes your best source.  While having the same common sense you would have at home comes into play, you also have to adapt to the local culture and know gender roles.  Now is not the time to get on a soap box or exercise your ideals.
It’s also imperative to have a cell phone with you.  Either have your own cell phone and service upgraded to include international service prior to departing or obtain a local cell phone immediately upon arrival.  Know the local emergency number, how to dial it and store it in your phone.
Finally, know how to communicate “help” in the local language. With these tips you’ll feel safe, prepared and able to enjoy your trip.

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The WHUR World Tour 2014

WHUR Radio, Washington DC has selected New Zealand  & Australia for their 2014 Tour Destination. The trip will be in March 2014 and lead by on-air personality, Frank Ski. Details at

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Brazil on the Wild Side

Advantage International, LLC under the updcale Advantage Preferred Program will offer, Brazil On The Wild Side... This upscale Group trip will include, Rio, Salvador, Bahia and An Amazon Cruise. The total package includes air, as well as first class Hotel and cruise. This is a rare opportunity to see many aspects of Brazil in one trip. The trip will be limited in size. All details at

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Soul Beach 2014

Advantage is offering Early Bird Land Only packages for the Soul Beach Music Fest Aruba. Packages are up early and will include Airport Transfers, accommodations, taxes, gratuities and tickets to the Soul Beach Music Fest Aruba. You may also purchase Express and VIP packages to the parties and events. All is online at

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Look at the New Advantage...

Advantage International has updated their website, The new pages are easier to read, faster loading and contain more information. You will also be able to see new trips faster and signup for more events on-line. Take a look at

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