Advantage International, LLC Travel Club

Welcome, this is the travel page for members of the Advantage International, LLC Travel Club ( Here you can keep updated on member trips and activities, share experiences and discuss issues. ENJOY

Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Friday, January 14, 2005

Travelers Insurance ???

It happens... Your prepared to go on that great vacation. You have planned and invested for it for months and like most of us, dreamed about it for years. Everything is set, but than an illness or accident happens. The first concern, as it should be is to the health and wellbeing of those involved. Later it hits you, I will not be able to make the trip.

We hear about this, and most of us are sad that we will miss the trip, but are happy that travel insurance will mean that our investment is protected. That is if we brought the travel insurance. Too many times we look at insurance as something we do not need or a waste of money. That is until we need it. When that time comes, it is too late to go back and buy insurance. All your money will be gone when that plane or ship leaves.

Advantage International, LLC has always recommended travel insurance. No matter if it is with your credit card company, existing personal insurance or a policy per trip. It is well worth it to be prepared. Check your existing coverage, see what you have and add what you need. A policy should cover trip cancellation and interruption, trip delay, emergency medical and dental, baggage loss and delay, and emergency transportation. Each one of these are the basic items you should look for. Consult your insurance, travel and medical professional for additional personal needs.

Make Travel Insurance a part of every trip.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Vacation Home for Sale

I have a 25 year lease for Hawaii at a top resort on the beach in Maui. The company allows use for one week for a one bedroom at this resort and several other Hawaii, Mexico, California and Arizona resorts within the company. You can also exchange through RCI or IT and accumulate points for multiple weeks or larger units. Call Gene at 312-856-1138 for information.

"Hey Baby Travel" with Bonnie DeShong

Join Bonnie DeShong and the Hey Baby Travel Club in sunny Jamaica.

July 20 - 24, 2005 at the Naughty and Nice Hedonism III

Complete details and pricing are available at:
or call the Advantage International, LLC office at 1-877-ADV-NTGE

Monday, January 03, 2005

Church Fundraiser

All Advantage International, LLC trips may be designed as fundraisers.

See Orlando in an all new way...

Advantage International, LLC has arranged for group packages to Orlando. This trip adds the unique experience of Holy Land experience to the many other family destinations of Disney and Universal.

This can be the perfect family reunion, social or church group trip. It can also be coordinated as a fundraiser. Packages include air, transfers, hotels and tickets to both Holy Land and Disney.

Contact Roz at the Advantage International, LLC office for complete details. Her number is 312-829-8687.

Travel Connections

Here is your opportunity to share stories of your travels with other club members. Personal tips, places of interest and your experiences are always welcome. Please do not include any advertisements or referrals. Please be positive and remember, no foul language.

Travelers Ten Commandments

The Travelers Ten Commandments

(1) Thou shalt relax…relax…relax…and put thy trust fully in God and thy Tour Escorts.

(2) Thou shalt not take anything to seriously for a carefree attitude is the beginning of an enjoyable and relaxing vacation.

(3) Thou shalt not worry…he who worrieth hath no pleasure. (Few things are fatal)

(4) Thou shalt spend thy time and money while on this trip according to thine own decision, regardless of what others may or may not do.

(5) Thou shalt not permit continuous and/or unnecessary chatter of other travelers to spoil thy trip for which thou hast paid lots of money to enjoy.

(6) Thou shalt be thankful for the privilege of traveling with this special group of special people…all of whom have left their personal problems, family problems, health problems, past mistakes, past accomplishments, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, at home.

(7) Thou shalt appreciate thy roommate for his/her considerations and courtesies to you throughout this trip.

(8) Thou shalt appreciate thy roommate for not monopolizing the bathroom.

(9) Thou shalt appreciate thy roommate for seeing thou art on time for group activities.
(10) Thou shalt remember we represent our God, our country, our state, our city, our family, our people and ourselves when traveling…as well as when we are home.

Travel Tip


Be certain that your passport and visa is valid and signed. Don't forget to fill in the emergency information page of your passport. Your passport should remain valid for six months after your trip.

Always know the local laws and customs of your country of destination. The Pre-Trip Orientation is an excellent resource. Also, look at the Advantage International, LLC Travel News page at for resources.

Have 2 copies of your passport's identification and the countries visa page. It will make it easier to replace in case it's lost or stolen. Leave one copy with someone you trust and know, and the other should be kept with you in a different place other then your passport. Also travel with at least two passport size pictures securely stored separately from your passport.

Always leave a copy of your itinerary or phone number with family and friends back home. This way you can easily be reached in case of emergency. Consider a world cell phone or rental before you go to leave a phone number that you can be reached at.